Sunday, October 7, 2007

Chillin' with Rahel, Gezahegen and ... a hen

Saturday evening we visited a family that is good friends with Jordan. We met mom, grandma, daughter Rahel (Ethiopian women are famously beautiful -- a reputation upheld by Rahel), son Gezahegen, dog Mourinho (named after Chelsea F.C.'s recent coach -- Ethiopians, we learned, are big fans of the English Premier League), and an unnamed hen. The women soon started a coffee ceremony, filling the living room with fog-like smoke and delicious aroma. We talked Ethiopian culture, American culture, soccer and a tad philosophy (Gezahegen had just graduated from Addis Ababa University where he had studied English literature and philosophy.) I was amused by the hen, which was very friendly and relaxed as it hung out with us throughout the evening. It was blissfully unaware that in a couple of days its fate would be sealed and it would be served with injera as dinner.


Anonymous said...

Mmmmm...fresh chicken.

CM said...

That is amusing, but true. I'm talking about the hen hanging out with you guys. It reminds me of some areas in Nicaragua.